Différencier de la date

J'essaye de find la différence de date entre today's date given date dans la table. Quelques rangées ont 1 date tandis que d'autres ont 2 dates (prennent la date antérieure). J'ai essayé avec la variable dynamic et la table de temp mais toujours ne fonctionnant pas

table d'entrée

  declare @t nvarchar(1000) set @t = ' select a.Availability from [ScrappedData_Regina] a' if(len(@t) < = 55 ) -- for single date case begin SELECT * INTO #result1 FROM ( select distinct [Product Name],[SKU],DATEDIFF(day,cast(right([Availability],10) as date),cast(GETDATE() as date)) as [Delivery Date] from [ScrappedData_Regina] where [Availability] like '%none%' -- total 158 products ) end else -- for two date case begin SELECT * INTO #result2 FROM ( declare @t date set @t = ' select SUBSTRING(Availability, PATINDEX('% [0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', [Availability]), 11) as [Date Part] from [ScrappedData_Regina] ' -- extracts date part from a column select distinct [Product Name],[SKU],DATEDIFF(day,cast(@t as date),cast(GETDATE() as date)) as [Delivery Date] from ScrappedData_Regina ) -- i want to pass the date part in this select statement 

select * dans le résultat de (select * parmi # result1 union select * from # result2)

 select *from result 

La première requête donnera le résultat

résultat de la première requête

Et je veux le même résultat pour la deuxième requête aussi pour deux cas de dates.

résultat de la seconde requête

Enfin combiner à la fois le résultat dans une table

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculating Date Difference between today's date and given date -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Total Products : 1505 ---- IF OBJECT_ID('#RESULT') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #RESULT GO SELECT *INTO #RESULT FROM ( select distinct sku,category,subcategory,[Product Name],summary ,DATEDIFF(day,cast(right([Availability],10) as date),cast(GETDATE() as date)) as [Delivery Date] from ScrappedData_Regina where [Availability] like '%none%' AND DATEDIFF(day,cast(right([Availability],10) as date),cast(GETDATE() as date)) < 0 -- gives only delivery date that has to be delievered in future ie in minus -- total 74 Products union select distinct sku,category,subcategory,[Product Name],summary,'' as [Delivery Date] from ScrappedData_Regina where summary like '%in stock%' union select distinct sku,category,subcategory,[Product Name],summary,'' as [Delivery Date] from ScrappedData_Regina where summary like '%call for availability%' ) a select * from #RESULT select * into input_scrapregina from ( SELECT *, StockInformation = case when (summary = 'in stock') then 'Any Stock' when (summary = 'call for availability') then 'Call for Availability' when (a.[Delivery Date] < -1 and a.[Delivery Date] >= -30) then 'Out of Stock expected within 30 days' when (a.[Delivery Date] <= -30 and a.[Delivery Date] >= -60) then 'Out of Stock expected within 60 days' when (a.[Delivery Date] <= 60 and a.[Delivery Date] >= -90) then 'Out of Stock expected within 90 days' when (a.[Delivery Date] <= 60 and a.[Delivery Date] >= -90) then 'Out of Stock,not expected' else 'Call for Availability' end from #RESULT a )c --------------------------------- --------- Final Result --------- --------------------------------- ---- Total Products : 1505 ---- select *from input_scrapregina 

Vous pouvez aussi essayer ceci:

 select subssortingng(dbo.TableName.TableColumn, 15, charindex('/',dbo.TableName.TableColumn) - 1) FROM dbo.TableName 


 select getdate() - cast(subssortingng(dbo.TableName.TableColumn, 15, charindex('/',dbo.TableName.TableColumn) - 1)as datetime) FROM dbo.TableName 

Note: Changez le numéro (15) pour pouvoir commencer à partir de l'index que vous voulez